Tips for drinking enough water daily

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Tips for drinking enough water daily
Tuesday 09 July 2024

Tips for drinking enough water daily

Drinking enough water daily is essential for maintaining good hydration and ensuring that your body functions properly.

Did you know that the human body is made up of around 60% water? That’s more than half! That’s why it’s so important to drink enough water every day… which isn’t always the case.

Oscar Kiwi® shares some tips on how to drink more during the day:

– Try new recipes: if you find water boring, try adding slices of lemon, mint leaves, a few pieces of fresh fruit such as kiwi to naturally give your water more flavour.
Here’s a thirst-quenching recipe you can prepare for yourself in the morning:

Oscar® kiwi fruits, lemon and mint detox water

Commercial flavoured waters often contain added sugar. So it’s best to avoid them…

– Invest in a pretty water bottle that you can easily fill in the morning and keep with you throughout the day, whether at work or at home. Drinking will become a reflex.

– If you prefer, use a reusable straw: drinking water through a straw can make drinking more pleasant and keep you hydrated without you even realising it!

– Despite these tips, you’re still not drinking enough? Why not set yourself a regular reminder on your phone.

– Obviously, to avoid dehydration, it’s important to limit your consumption of sugary and/or alcoholic drinks. Only water will keep you hydrated.

– Finally, choose fresh fruit and vegetables in your diet. Most of them are bursting with water and essential vitamins and minerals. Another effective way to stay well hydrated.

Don’t forget that the sensation of thirst often only appears after your body has already started to dehydrate, so it’s important to drink regularly throughout the day, even if you’re not thirsty. Now you know what you have to do. ☺️


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